Langstone Charollais Sheep

est. 1976

Signet Recorded

Rams available in the top 1% of the Charollais breed

The 2023 retained lambs reflect our ethos with ewe lambs and ram lambs demonstrating excellent terminal and maternal figures

9 ram lambs in the top 5% terminal and 6 top 25% 

10 females top 5% maternal and 9 top 5% terminal index

Grass First

Grass comes first when it comes to our sheep. We use minimal amounts of concentrate to finish our lambs and rams.

High health status

Group 1 rams used exclusively for over 20 years

MV accredited for 30 years

For the last two years our yearling ewes have tested negative for Johne’s disease

Give us a ring, have a chat, and come and see for yourself